Are you, or is someone, in mental health crisis and need urgent help or support?

Help shape suicide and self-harm prevention in Cheshire and Merseyside.

The LEN which launched in 2021 is led by Wirral Mind on behalf of all nine local areas in Cheshire and Merseyside. It gives people with lived experience of suicide and self-harm a voice, to help organisations develop effective strategies, policies and action plans, and services to offer tailored support to those who need it.

Empowering voices to prevent suicide and self-harm

The LEN brings together people who have previously attempted suicide or who have experienced suicidal thoughts; those who have lost a loved one to suicide; people who support someone who experiences suicidal thoughts; and people who have been affected by self-harm and suicide.

LEN members have supported a variety of projects and initiatives since the Network formed including playing a prominent part in the development and launch of the Cheshire and Merseyside Suicide Prevention Strategy for 2022 to 2027, which was launched in November 2022.

Thoughts from an LEN member

Speaking about their experience of being part of the Network, an LEN member not named for confidentiality reasons, said:

“Through the LEN, I have been able to use my voice to support a variety of work around suicide and self-harm prevention. Since becoming a member of the Network, I’ve always felt that my opinions have been valued by the professionals and organisations we work with and I’m truly passionate about being able to contribute to life-saving initiatives.”