Are you, or is someone, in mental health crisis and need urgent help or support?

Useful wellbeing resources


Equipping young people with the skills they need to stay safe online when engaging with self-harm and suicide content


Papyrus have a range of resources from coping techniques to conversation starters, distraction techniques and dealing with anxiety, and access to a broad range of help and advice resources.

Zero Suicide Alliance resources

The Zero Suicide Alliance resources website was developed to support individuals, communities and organisations to meet people’s mental health needs before, during and after experiencing crisis – to ultimately help prevent suicide in the UK and beyond.

Campaign Against Living Miserably

Guide to loneliness and social isolation

CALM’S Guide to a Relationship Breakdown

A guide for people going through a break-up, divorce or separation and are struggling.

R;pple Suicide Prevention

R;pple is an innovative online interceptive tool designed to ensure more help and support is provided to individuals conducting searches related to self-harm or suicide.

Talking about suicide: A guide for college staff

This guide aims to help college staff have a better understanding of suicide and self-harm, although the information might also be useful for learners or anyone unsure how to manage disclosures or concern around suicide.

Talking about suicide: A guide for university staff

This guide aims to help university staff have a better understanding of suicide and self-harm, although the information might also be useful for learners or anyone unsure how to manage disclosures or concern around suicide.

Stigma and suicide

Stigma is one of the biggest barriers to getting help, often made worse without us even realising it – whether through the words we use or by avoiding the conversation altogether. We want to address the stigma surrounding suicide.

Publications, reports, guidance and support

Men, Suicide and Society – Research Report
Samaritans – Dying from inequality report
Samaritans – Out of sight, out of mind
NCISH – Suicide by middle-aged men
Community Suicide Prevention for Middle-Aged Men in Cheshire and Merseyside: Learning from NHSEI-Funded Programmes and Implications for Future Practice – Short Report by Everton in the Community, Edge Hill University and State of Mind Sport
Community-based mental health and suicide prevention interventions for men – Rapid Evidence Review November 2019 (with Updated Postscript October 2021)
Tackling Suicide Inequalities in Gypsy and Traveller Communities