Suicide Prevention Strategy
This website has been designed for professionals looking to support those who have self-harmed or thinking of taking their own life.
There is no single cause and no single solution to suicide. However, by working together, and using evidence-based interventions that draw on local and national intelligence, we can strive to eradicate this preventable death.
The Cheshire and Merseyside Suicide Prevention Partnership led by the Champs Public Health Collaborative on behalf of the nine Directors of Public Health and the NHS Director of Population Health across the subregion drives strategic suicide prevention action across all nine local authority places.
The Partnership consists of a wide range of members including Public Health representation, the Lived Experience Network, Mental Health trusts, local Councillors and other key partners.
Ruth du Plessis, Lead Director of Suicide Prevention for the Collaborative and Director of Public Health for St Helens chairs the Partnership Board. Key actions are agreed and driven forwards including implementing the Suicide Prevention Strategy and sustaining a co-ordinated approach to suicide prevention across the subregion.
For more information on the Collaborative’s Suicide Prevention work and the Suicide Prevention Partnership, visit
Preventing Suicides
Our aspiration for Cheshire and Merseyside
Our aspiration is for Cheshire and Merseyside to be a subregion where all suicides are prevented, where people do not consider suicide as a solution to the difficulties they face and where people have hope for the future.

National Suicide Prevention
Strategy for England 2023-2028
The national Suicide Prevention strategy for England: 2023 to 2028 outlines the visions and aims to prevent self-harm and suicide, including the actions the government and other organisations will take to save lives.